Ar Rahman, Ar Raheem, Al Malikul, Quddoos
As Salaamul, Muminul, Muhaiminul, 'Azeez
Al Jabbarul, Mutakabbirul, Khaliq
Al Bariul, Musawwirul, Gaffarul, Qahhar
There are 99 names of Allah, Asma'ullah ulhusnaa
They are mentioned in the Holy Qur'an, La ilaha Illa huwar Rahman
Al Wahhabur, Razzaq, Al 'Aleemul, Fattah
As Samee'ul, Baseer, Al Lateeful, Khabeer
Al Gafoorul, Haleem, Ash Shakoorul, 'Azeem
Al 'Aliyyul, Kabeerul, Hafeezul, Kareem
There are 99 names of Allah, Asma'ullah ulhusnaa
They are mentioned in the Holy Qur'an, La ilaha Illa huwar Rahman
Al Muqeetul, Haseeb, Ar Raqeebul, Qareeb
Al Wasi'ul, Hakeemul, Wadoodul, Mujeeb
Al Wakeelush, Shaheed, Al Haqqul, Majeed
Al Qawiyul, Mateenul, Waliyul, Hameed
There are 99 names of Allah, Asma'ullah ulhusnaa
They are mentioned in the Holy Qur'an, La ilaha Illa huwar Rahman
Al Hayyul, Qayoom, Al Wahiduz, Zahir
Al Ahadus, Samadul, Awwalul, Akhir
Al Batinul, Walee, Al Muta'alee
Al Jami'ul , Ganniyun, Noorul, Hadee
There are 99 names of Allah, Asma'ullah ulhusnaa
They are mentioned in the Holy Qur'an, La ilaha Illa huwar Rahman
Al Afuwwur, Ra'oof, Al Akramush, Shakir
Al Barrut, Tawwabul, Muqtadirul, Qadir
Ar Rabbul, Badee' Al Mubeenul, Qadeer
Al Kafeelul, Hafizul, Maleekun, Naseer
There are 99 names of Allah, Asma'ullah ulhusnaa
They are mentioned in the Holy Qur'an, La ilaha Illa huwar Rahman
Al Khallaqul, Mawla, Al 'Allamul, Ilah
Al Muheetul, Mannan, Al Hafiyyul, Musta'an
A Qahir, Al Gafir
Al Jaleel, A'la, Al Fatir
Ar Rafee'ul, Muhyee, Galibul, Kafee
Al Warisul, Mumeetul, Ba'isul, Baqee
As Salaamul, Muminul, Muhaiminul, 'Azeez
Al Jabbarul, Mutakabbirul, Khaliq
Al Bariul, Musawwirul, Gaffarul, Qahhar
There are 99 names of Allah, Asma'ullah ulhusnaa
They are mentioned in the Holy Qur'an, La ilaha Illa huwar Rahman
Al Wahhabur, Razzaq, Al 'Aleemul, Fattah
As Samee'ul, Baseer, Al Lateeful, Khabeer
Al Gafoorul, Haleem, Ash Shakoorul, 'Azeem
Al 'Aliyyul, Kabeerul, Hafeezul, Kareem
There are 99 names of Allah, Asma'ullah ulhusnaa
They are mentioned in the Holy Qur'an, La ilaha Illa huwar Rahman
Al Muqeetul, Haseeb, Ar Raqeebul, Qareeb
Al Wasi'ul, Hakeemul, Wadoodul, Mujeeb
Al Wakeelush, Shaheed, Al Haqqul, Majeed
Al Qawiyul, Mateenul, Waliyul, Hameed
There are 99 names of Allah, Asma'ullah ulhusnaa
They are mentioned in the Holy Qur'an, La ilaha Illa huwar Rahman
Al Hayyul, Qayoom, Al Wahiduz, Zahir
Al Ahadus, Samadul, Awwalul, Akhir
Al Batinul, Walee, Al Muta'alee
Al Jami'ul , Ganniyun, Noorul, Hadee
There are 99 names of Allah, Asma'ullah ulhusnaa
They are mentioned in the Holy Qur'an, La ilaha Illa huwar Rahman
Al Afuwwur, Ra'oof, Al Akramush, Shakir
Al Barrut, Tawwabul, Muqtadirul, Qadir
Ar Rabbul, Badee' Al Mubeenul, Qadeer
Al Kafeelul, Hafizul, Maleekun, Naseer
There are 99 names of Allah, Asma'ullah ulhusnaa
They are mentioned in the Holy Qur'an, La ilaha Illa huwar Rahman
Al Khallaqul, Mawla, Al 'Allamul, Ilah
Al Muheetul, Mannan, Al Hafiyyul, Musta'an
A Qahir, Al Gafir
Al Jaleel, A'la, Al Fatir
Ar Rafee'ul, Muhyee, Galibul, Kafee
Al Warisul, Mumeetul, Ba'isul, Baqee