The Nili-Ravi buffalo is a milk type of buffalo breed. They are found mainly in Lahore, Sheikhupura, Faisalabad, Sahiwal, Multan and Bahawal Nagar districts in Punjab Province. Their color is black and their average weight at maturity is 800 kg for the male and 525 kg for the female. The per capita availability of milk was 150 litre and meat 19kg per annum in 2000-01, which comes to 0.41 litre milk per day and 5.2 grams meat per day.
Nili Ravi have a wedge shape, massive frame, small curly horns, and wall eyes. They often have white markings on the forehead, face, muzzle and legs and white switch of tail. They have a large, strong udder and are generally docile. Average age at maturity is 30 months in males and 36 months in females. Longevity of production is good.
Age at first calving,days 1390 1640,Lactation period, days 322 325,
Lactation yield, liters 2430 2315,Average milk /day, liters 7.5 6.8,
Calving interval, days 512 551,Dry period, days 190 226,
Nili Ravi have a wedge shape, massive frame, small curly horns, and wall eyes. They often have white markings on the forehead, face, muzzle and legs and white switch of tail. They have a large, strong udder and are generally docile. Average age at maturity is 30 months in males and 36 months in females. Longevity of production is good.
Age at first calving,days 1390 1640,Lactation period, days 322 325,
Lactation yield, liters 2430 2315,Average milk /day, liters 7.5 6.8,
Calving interval, days 512 551,Dry period, days 190 226,